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Thinking of Moving to Romulus, MI [🚚]|ULTIMATE Living in Romulus

Romulus, MI is an eastern city in the state of Michigan, located in Wayne County. Romulus is about 24 miles southwest of Detroit and 26 miles east of Ann Arbor. The Detroit Metropolitan Airport is located in Romulus.

Population & Demographics

The 2019 population of Romulus was 23,527. Romulus is a diverse place to live, with a demographic breakdown of 52% White, 40.7% Black or African American, 2.3% Hispanic and 1.4% Asian. Married couples account for 39.6% of households in Romulus, and 68.4% of homes in Romulus house families. Wondering if Romulus is a safe place to live? Total crime in Romulus is 67% higher than the national average.

Romulus, MI Cost of Living

If you’re thinking about moving, you are probably wondering how far your money will go in Romulus. Is Romulus affordable? Of course, this will depend on your salary and lifestyle, but overall, Romulus is as affordable as the national average! Housing in Romulus is 41% higher than the national average. Transportation in Romulus is 8% lower than the national average, and groceries are 9% less expensive in Romulus as the national average.

In Romulus, the homeownership rate is 64.4%, which is near the national average of 64.1%. Estimated median sale price for a home in Romulus is $145,000 which is an increase of 1.8% since last year! Homes in Romulus are selling in about 9 days on the market. Click to see what’s going on with the Romulus real estate market. In Romulus, approximately 26.3% of people rent their homes. The average rent cost in Romulus is $1022 a month, which is less than the national average of $1302.

Romulus, MI Weather

Romulus’s climate is considered to be humid continental, which means it has warm to hot summers and cold, wet winters. On average, Romulus sees about 49.8 inches a year of precipitation. The average temperature in January is 25.6 and the average temperature in July is 73.6.

Things to Do in Romulus, MI

There are plenty of recreational options for the residents of Romulus. Here are some of Romulus’s residents’ favorite places to go:

Romulus Athletic Center

Athletic Center in Romulus

With a pool and open gym times, the Romulus Athletic Center is a popular place to go for residents of Romulus. They offer fitness classes, a climbing wall and even childcare!
35765 Northline Rd., Romulus, MI 48174

Blocks Stand and Greenhouse

Greenhouse in Romulus

A plant nursery and farmers market all in one, Block Stand and Greenhouse has all you need for a beautiful garden or beautiful meal! Started nearly 100 years ago, this family-run business is a Romulus staple!
29160 Eureka Rd., Romulus, MI 48174

Additional Things to Do in and around Romulus

• Woodside Meadows Golf Course
• Kurtzhals’ Farms

Romulus, MI Restaurants

There are many great restaurant options living in Romulus. Here are a few of the best rated places Romulus residents love to dine:

Leonardo’s Italian Grille

The place where Romulus residents bring their out-of-town guests, Leonardo’s Italian Grille has authentic Sicilian food with new spins on traditional dishes. Relax with lunch or dinner at Leonardo’s, and don’t forget to have a cappuccino before you leave.

7575 Merriman Rd., Romulus, MI 48174

Beirut Restaurant

With delicious falafel and shawarma wraps, Beirut Restaurant provides a the best Middle Eastern cuisine in the area! Beirut Restaurant is a cornerstone in the Romulus community, and with it’s modern interpretation of classic dishes and use of only fresh ingredients, it’s easy to see why.

7650 Merriman Rd., Romulus, MI 48174

Romulus, MI Map

See what Romulus has to offer by checking out the map below.

Romulus, MI Statistics & Information

Romulus is located in Wayne County. Romulus’s zip codes are 48174, 48184 and 48242. The elevation of Romulus, MI is 659 feet. Romulus is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. The area of Romulus is 35.95 square miles.

Jobs in Romulus, MI

The median household income in Romulus is $51,504 per year. Great news – salaries in Romulus increased by 6.17% from 2018 to 2019. The most popular jobs in Romulus are productions occupations, office & administrative support occupations and sales & related occupations. The biggest industries that employ Romulus residents are manufacturing, health care & social assistance and retail trade. About 17.2% of Romulus residents live below the poverty line, which is above the national average of 12.3%. The demographic most affected by poverty in Romulus is women between the ages of 25 and 34.

The average commute time in Romulus is about 23.9 minutes, which is just under the national average of 25.5 minutes. About 85% of Romulus residents choose to drive alone to work rather than carpool, and nearly all Romulus households own two cars. Will you be working in Detroit and living in Romulus? Your commute will be a breeze! Click here to see what the 23 mile drive from Romulus to Detroit will be like.

Looking for employment in the Romulus area? Click here to check out what is currently listed in Romulus on Would you prefer to work for a municipality? If you would rather be employed by the City of Romulus they are hiring! Click here to see what positions are currently available.

Schools in Romulus, MI

Romulus is served by Romulus Community Schools. The top-rated schools in Romulus are Romulus Elementary School, Brownstone Middle School and Metro Charter Academy. If parents prefer to send their children to private or parochial school, there are 4 in Romulus. Students will also have access to the Romulus Public Library system.

Living in Romulus Pros & Cons

• Pro: Cost of Living
• Pro: Good Schools
• Con: High Crime Rate

Moving to Romulus? Hire Romulus’s best rated professional moving company to ensure an easy transition! Give All Around Moving & Storage a call today at 734-941-2280 to discuss your move!

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